May 4

Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces at 3:06pm ET amplifies intuition and psychic sensitivity. You’re encouraged to trust your intuitive side but to be mindful this energy makes it more difficult to discern between fantasy and reality. 

The Moon is void from 3:07pm ET until entering Aries at 4:41pm ET.

Venus trine Juno at 7:53pm ET enhances emotional fulfillment and satisfaction in relationships. You may be inspired by acts of kindness, generosity, and affection that strengthen the emotional connection between you and your partner. 

Moon in aspect to Mars and Pluto (8:30pm—10:30pm ET) can boost physical and sexual energy. Tackle tasks that require vigor and stamina.  

Mars trine Pallas 8:57pm ET enhances problem-solving abilities and analytical skills. It’s easier to identify practical solutions and implement strategies for success.


May 5


May 3