April 30

Moon in Capricorn sextile Mars and Neptune (9:00am—11:30am ET) enhances sensitivity and empathy. There’s a greater willingness to serve others or sacrifice personal desires for the greater good or a higher purpose.

The Moon enters Aquarius mid-day for the next two days. 

Mars enters its home-sign of Aries at 11:32am ET until Jul 12. Energy is turbo-charged and you may feel a surge of vitality and be eager to take on challenges. There’s a fearlessness when it comes to taking bold action. You’re encouraged to take the initiative, seize opportunities, and assert yourself. There’s a natural inclination to lead, take risks, and blaze new trails. During this transit, you have a greater ability to stand up for what you want and pursue your passions. Aries in known for being impulsive so although you’ll want to act on your initial instincts you may want to consider the long-term consequences of those actions. Be mindful of the tendency to be quick to anger and prone to irritation, especially when you don’t get what you want. Channel this energy constructively to avoid conflict. Take charge of your life and assert your autonomy this Aries season. 

Moon in Aquarius aspect to Venus and Pluto (2:00pm—3:30pm ET) can reveal hidden dynamics of power or dominance that may disrupt harmony in relationships. There’s a greater tendency to manipulate or exert control over others, or feel manipulated by others. 


May 1


April 29