Mercury Direct

Mercury stations direct at 16 degrees Aries after being retrograde for the past three weeks. As Mercury begins to move forward there’s a shift from a period of introspection, reflection, and review, to implementation, action, and forward momentum. Plans that have been on hold resume direct motion. Misunderstandings can be addressed and clarified, communication channels reopen, and there may be a sense of resolution and closure from revisiting past events. You may gradually feel relieved as tensions ease. As Mercury picks up speed, integrate lessons learned during the retrograde so they can be applied in the future. Keep in mind Mercury is in its post-retrograde shadow until May 13. Questions to reflect on: Am I being true to my authentic self in my communication and actions, or am I holding back out of fear or insecurity? What areas of my life require more courage and confidence, and how can I cultivate these qualities within myself?What passions or desires have I been neglecting, and how can I reignite my enthusiasm for them now?


April 27


April 26